Semester 4.
♥ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه
Alhamdulillah. Berjaya jugak masuk semester 4. So, sem ni ekceli macam semester pendek aje. Yelah, starting on June 2013 and will be end on October 2013. Alhamdulillah, masih berada di kelas bB. BMD4bB. Dan dan dan, still bilik yang lama bersama roomate yang lama. D2/1011. Walaupun macam tak percaya sem ni, balik awal daripada semorang. Ehehe 8hb 6 dah balik,that is on Saturday. Nampak tak eksaited kemain nak balik ke bumi Arau ni? :p
Dan seperti biasa, sama seperti semester lepas. Ofkos ada killer subjek. Sem n ada 6 subjek. 1 je tak masuk final, that is BAB151 ( Bahasa Arab ). Subjek untuk sem ni:
- FIN 263 ( Banking Operations )*
- MGT 269 ( Business Communication )
- MGT 345 ( Operating Management )
- LAW 299 ( Business Law )*
- ECO 261 ( Malaysia Economy )*
- BAB 151 ( Third Languange ; Bahasa Arab )
Setiap subjek yang ada * tu ada lah killer subject for meeee! Annnnnnnnd, i hope i hope i hopeeeee sem ni dapat lepas semua dengan jayanya! InsyaAllah. Doakan saya ye? *muka comel* Hmm bukan apa, sebab sem ni mostly subjek menghafal, yang mengira pun sikit sajee. InsyaAllah boleh. So kena start daripada awal lah cita dia. Okay lah, thats all. Saja nak share, takda motip kan? Ahaha watlek watpeace :D Annyeongg~ Assalamualaikum earthlings ;)
Sesiapa yang berkaitan dengan saya, Hazmilia Kamarudin yang comel ni. *muntah pelangi guling guling* ahaha tolongla. Tolong marah saya kalau awak nampak saya bermalas malasan. Ye ye yee? Maceh! :3
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*With KakFaa. Mata sepet sebab alergi. Muka cam pau sebab pakai selendang. Oh how sad. *over* |
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*Hello keyssssssssssssssss, imissyou ♥ |
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*Jejalan ke Jitra masa 1st weekend. Haha. |
Happy Father's Day!
No matter where I go inlife.
Who I get married to.
How much time I spend with guys.
How much I love my boyfriend.
You'll always be number one man.
You're the greatest gift I ever had came from Allah.
Iloveyou Abah.
How much time I spend with guys.
How much I love my boyfriend.
You'll always be number one man.
You're the greatest gift I ever had came from Allah.
Iloveyou Abah.
I will always be 'anak manja abah nii'.
Omo. Imissyou.
Take care there abah.
*hugs and kisses ~♥
♥ your little girl,
credit to: Encik Kamarudin bin Mahmud.
It just me or........
Assalamualaikum. Hi everyone. Hmmm just wondering, have you ever felt you're totally nothing? Yeah nothing. Not for someone special or people around you, but even yourself. Have you? Me? Always. Haha
Ummm sometimes I wonder, why am I worried about others when they don't even think about me? But then, I thought sometimes we need to be hurt in order to grow. We must lose in order to gain. Sometimes, lessons are learned best through the pain. Am I right? But sometimes, I hate it when i tell everyone I'm okay but deep inside I'm not. Why? Because I like to pretend that everything’s alright. Cause when everybody else thinks you’re fine, sometimes you forget for a while that you’re not. Sometimes it's easier to pretend you're happy rather than explain why you're not.
And, when I'm alone, I overthink. And why do I talk about this? Umm I dont know. Just, I dont have someone to talk to. Ya Allah, tears please dont come out. I'm tired of fighting, I want to be fought for. I'm tired of caring, I want to be cared for. I'm tired of being just me, I wanna be yours. Do you know that? Yes. Don’t expect someone to stay sweet forever because even the sweetest candy has an expiration date. But, I miss the old you.
I'm not looking for someone who has everything. I'm simply looking for someone who sacrifice their time & spend it with me. Yeah, I still remember this "If someone wants you in their life, they'll put you there. You shouldn't have to fight for a spot." Well, people keep telling me, never get too attached to someone, because attachments lead to expectations and expectations lead to disappointments. But for me, life is too short to stress yourself with people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life. Don't you think so?
It's sad when you realize you aren't as important to someone as you thought you were.
I miss you. No, let me correct that, I miss the old you. I miss the old you that cared about me and the old you that would treat me so well. Sometimes you just gotta accept that some people can only be in your heart, not in your life. Arghhh! I hate acting like I don't care when it's really tearing me up inside. Does it bother me? Yes. Will I ever tell you? No.
My problem is I can't stay mad. I always end up forgiving people, even when they don't deserve it. Yes, I'm upset. It could be because I thought I actually meant something to you, I thought you cared. But I was wrong. I want you to fight for me and to show me that I'm not a joke to you. Honestly, I don't need someone who sees the good in me. I need someone who sees the bad in me and still wants me. Well ummm forgive me for my wrong-doings. Forgive me for the ignorance. Forgive me for the neglection. Forgive me for everything. Iloveyou. I'll always do. Iloveyou. Byee.
Rise Of The Guardian.
♥ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه
Hello everyone! Hehe I'm 20 years old now. Doploh tahun. Get it? Rasa macam comel je dah doploh kan. Padahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal -,-
Hi, I am twenty years old girl. Hihi
Thankyou Fiezaa. You such a sweetheart.
Thankyou Syaufik. Uhibbukifillah.
Thanks Akak! Iloveyou.
Thanks Epoy. Forever Bestbestfriend!
Thankyou Tott. Iloveyouforevertoo!
Thanks babe. Imissyou.
Thanks budak. You're so cute! Iloveyou.
Thanks Shuhaida. Iloveyou.
Thanks Ima. I really miss you, old friend.
Thanks Ayunie. Imissyou.
Thankyou Sistarr. Iloveyou.
Thankyou bestfriend! Iloveyou.
Thankyou Cikcah. Hehe
Okay first. Ya Allah, alhamdulillah. Mak abah, thankyou. And you guyss, thanks for the wishes. Also, thanks for who those remember the date. Haha why you so sweet? And I'm so sorry for those yg tak dapat nak screen capture. Iloveyou! Hahaha terharu *tears* Ummm, InsyaAllah, semoga Allah panjangkan umur, murahkan rezeki, permudahkan segala urusan. Amin. Doakan saya. :) The best things in life aren't material "things". They are moments, feelings, lessons, faith, emotions, discoveries, and truths. Right? Thankyou! Iloveyou.