♥ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه
Hello everyone. How you're doing? Well, I'm good. Uhmm, again. Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan semuanya. Semoga segala amalan kita diterima baik oleh Allah masa bulan ni. Semoga segala doa diterimaNya. Amin :)
Annnnnnnd *jeng jeng jeng hehehehehe okay motip kan nak hehehehe -.- Well emmm Ahmad Syaufik Rozali, Happy 6 Monthsary! Can you believe it? We already through half year together gether. And well I'm not going to talk like we're for sure will be together forever. Tapi, apa salahnya kalau kita doa untuk benda tu jadik kenyataan kan mok kan? *blushing* Okay gedik sangat nak blushing bagai.
Hehe thanks for everything mok. Pelik kan? Lea tak pernah pulak nak sentooop lelama becauseeeeeeeeeeeeeee You're my stress reliever. And also sometimes, the cause for my stress. But I love you either way. Hahahaha haih, sayang teruk dekat hang ni weh bang cupit. Eh lupaa, haritu sentop sebab lambat amik kat stesen bas tu. Kesian do mekya tunggu bang cupit lama okay. T_T
Okay. Annnnnd sorry about last night. Haha I am seriously sorry okay? Hmmmmm just entahlah. Macammana eh nak cakap? Hmmm I just don't want to get hurt with the same reasons. Scrolling and suddenly burst out to tears last night. Rasa macam hmm entahlah. Maybe its just me too much overthinking maybe. Kan? *I hope so* Rasa macam One day you screaming you love me loud. Next day your so cold. Tetiba fikir macam, I get it. I'm not that important to you. And then, burst to tears again. Haih astaghfirullahalazim. I'm so scared that you would leave. Leaving me. Without any words. Omg please no. :'(
Hee insyaAllah orang kata kalau jodoh tak kemana kan? Takpe. Kita doakan. Ye? *senyum* Well uhmmm six month, lama kan? Emmm eventhough I know things won't be the same like before, I wish you all the best whatever you decide in your life. ( errr I mean about us :p ) You will always be in my Doa, no matter what. :)
Soooooo, what I want you to do? Easy. *smile* Stay. No matter how hard to be with me, just stay. I need you. Ehheeem, tolong refer note yg lea bagi masa birthday you tu untuk keterangan lanjut. Haha emm last word, don't ask me why Iloveyou. Just accept the fact that I do. Okay? *smile*
Ya Allah, aku sayang dia. Lalu aku pinta, sayangilah dia.
Me. Empty. Hmm. Yes. *smile*
I suppose I am happy.
Like when I with my friends,
Throwing my head back and covering my mouth.
As I shake with laughter.
At a joke someone just made.
But then day turns to night.
And my carefree grin turns into an unexplainable sadness.
Etched on my face like a tattoo.
And I lay in bed.
Thinking about all the things I wish I could say,
All the things I'm too afraid to admit.
Even with only pen and paper and mind.
It's night like these when I realize.
I am many things.
I am happy and sad.
Outgoing and shy.
Rambunctious and quiet.
But mostly,
I am just empty.
Alhamdulillah. Harini dah genap 10 hari kita semua puasa kan? Alhamdulillah kalau ada yang tak ponteng dengan sengaja lagi. Watlek watpeace. Bila dah 10 hari ni memang akan rasa macam dah tak lama dah nanti. Hehe tak sabar pulak nak raya cite kau. Hehehe.
Annnnnd the most excited and kinda sad actually. Puasa ke 10 ni baru saya, ye saya sempat merasa berbuka dengan familiaaaaa. Hmmm first ramadhan haritu buka dekat Arau tersayang aje haa. Sebab hari rabu kan. Perlis pulak tak amik cuti awal ramadhan. Kalau taaaaak, awal sikit. Calllowww betehh! Hahaha.
And alhamdulillah. Hmm dugaan terbesar. Cehh bajet gila kan? Baru je baik demam. Okay, demam je lah dah okay. Batuk, flu still ada dalam 40% lagi. Hehe nampak sangat tak demam sebab homesick? Ekeke :p
Okaylah, motip nak update kan? Wakaka bytheway, ehemhem nanti raya kita cuti dua minggu. Awak hadeeee? *rolling eyes* Hahaha okay joke. Selamat berpuasa semua! Semoga tabah hadapi dugaan bulan puasa ni. Banyakkan amal ibadat. Jangan ponteng puasa!! Hehe semoga kita semua sempat bersalaman di Aidilfitri tahun ni. InsyaAllah. *senyum*
Jaga diri. Jaga kesihatan. Assalamualaikum. :D
Not me.
I feel like I'm not anyone's first choice.
Neither their favorite.
Even if people tell me I'm important to them,
or I mean a lot to them,
I know there's always someone they prefer to be with.
Someone they choose over me.
And that hurts..
a lot.
:( :( :(
:( :( :(
Sometimes you just cant tell someone how you feel, you can never really find the right words to make them understand.
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday.
And I also want you to be happy. *smile*
Treat you right. Respect you. Hear you out when some things wrongs, it's not always your fault, I know. Thank you for making the effort to see and treat me out. Thank you for making me laugh and loving me. If you made a mistake, I'll forgive you. You didn't mean it, and you must definitely doesn't want to hurt me. I am your girl, and your want is for me to be happy. ❤
♥ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه
It's been a very long time since I write something for my blog. Well, I was really busy with my studies matters, and I don't even have time to open my notebook. But, on the 28 Jun haritu sempat jugakla curi sikit masa ambil peluang pegi trip dengan kengkawan. Hehe Langkawi. Omg Langkawi is seriously bestt!!!!!!
Well, just go on 2 days and 1 night. Walaupun sebenarnya plan untuk stay for 3 days and 2 night, tapi akhirnya terpaksa di cancelkan sebab ada assignment kena submit last minute. How sad. But, whatever it is. Serious trip haritu best. Alhamdulillah bajet tak lari sangat. Hihi. Omg jom pegi lagi lain kali? :D *excited*
Well, just go on 2 days and 1 night. Walaupun sebenarnya plan untuk stay for 3 days and 2 night, tapi akhirnya terpaksa di cancelkan sebab ada assignment kena submit last minute. How sad. But, whatever it is. Serious trip haritu best. Alhamdulillah bajet tak lari sangat. Hihi. Omg jom pegi lagi lain kali? :D *excited*
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Kolam Ayer Hangat. |
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semua ni masa island hopping. Omg seriously best. Just RM 30 untuk melawat 3 Pulau and the activities! :D
Well, ni semua dekat Pantai Tanjung Rhu.
Omg chocolate! Nak coklat mmg harga murah? Sila ke Haji Ismail Group. Serious heaven gila masuk kedai coklat dia dekat Pekan Kuah. >.< |
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look at my bill. *Elakkan membazir.* |